Saturday 26 October 2013

Anti Aging Diet - Best Anti Aging Foods

Look younger, boost energy - and drop 10 pounds in a month eating plan and recipes. These days, anti-aging cosmetics can seem more like food than obvious beauty: everything from pomegranate to soy is to infuse creams, cleansers and serums. But implementing products on the surface of your skin are not a substitute really eating foods that will nurture your skin from the inside out.

Nutrition plays an important role in limiting the aging process and helps to protect against rays UV, the number one cause of lines and wrinkles. Goes beyond simple healthy eating: New research has highlighted specific nutrients that help prevent the harmful effects of environmental factors, hydrate your complexion and keeping your skin cells functioning properly.

These beauty boosters are front and center of our eating plan. Everything is easy to integrate your meals and also, as it happens, potent disease fighters who are friendly diet. So while your food for a smoother, brighter complexion, you will help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes - and the road to drop up to 10 pounds and four weeks. Vitamin c Beauty benefit: What would dermatologists find if you were to examine the skin of Women over 40 for signs of aging and then examine the results against those women diets

This is exactly what 101 derms did in a British study of 4,025 women aged 40 -74. What did the docs: women with higher intakes of vitamin c also had fewer wrinkles and less dry skin. Makes sense, because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can quench free radicals - unstable atoms and molecules in your body that damage cells. "Antioxidants prevent damage to cells and cell DNA that can be related to the production of collagen, the main supporting structure for your skin," explains Dr. Friedman.

What to put on your plate: Aim for enough C-rich foods to get 75 mg per day. An orange for breakfast and five strips of yellow pepper in a lunchtime salad will help you there. So will a cup of broccoli with dinner, and a dish of strawberries for dessert. Citrus fruits, red peppers, tomatoes, kale and cantaloupe are good sources of C. For an extra skin boost, try blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and pomegranate - in addition to vitamin C, contain ellagic acid, which can neutralize the adverse effects of the rays UV. Beauty benefit: Dermatologists 101 study, women with lower protein intake also had a more peas appearance. Protein provides the building blocks of collagen.

Such as collagen and other proteins are cleaved, skin folds substantially the same, creating wrinkles and lines. Your skin will become collagen whether you dine in marble steaks or skinless chicken breasts, but the leaner choice can help maintain weight. What to put on your plate: skinless poultry, egg whites and fish are good choices lean-proteins. When choosing beef or pork, go for lower fat cuts such as rack and round.

They too tofu: The research is not definitive, but a small Japanese study found that women who consume soy extract for 12 weeks showed improvement in fine lines around the eyes as well as greater elasticity in their skin. Advertisement: Complete Skin Care Kit Fatty fish Beauty benefit: Sea fare like tuna and salmon brings to the table an astronomical dose of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help protect you from sun damage.

In studies of mice, fats significantly reduced inflammation and other immunological reactions in the sun that degrade collagen and more worrisomely, can cause skin cancer. And three British studies showed that omega-3 l.o can protect against sunburn in humans, too. What to put on your plate:

Try to get at least two servings of four-ikmada Omega-3 - rich seafood a week. Besides salmon and tuna (albacore), good choices include mackerel, herring, sardines and trout lake. If you are not partial to fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, oil canola, pumpkin seeds and tofu contain a compound (ALA) that the body converts into a similar kind of beneficial Omega fatty acids - although it takes a lot more ALA to get adequate amounts of these «good» omegas.

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